Netball is for everyone. All ages, all shapes, all levels………

Eighteen months ago ENA began a journey to discover what current and future players wanted from their netball experience. They looked into what motivates you, what you want from the game, and how ENA can support you to ensure that you get the best experience possible.

ENA spoke to over 9,000 people in focus groups, sessions and surveys, such as Big Netball Conversation and the Magazine Survey. This revealed that there are a number of different groups, with different aims and needs, who play netball. So thet listened and responded. The result is My Game.

My Game is the umbrella name for a whole range of netball programmes, products and ways to enjoy netball, tailored specifically to the way you want to play and get involved. My Game will expand during the coming months with new products added, designed and shaped by your feedback.

The first item to be added to the My Game menu is a New Look High 5 section (including free affiliation for primary schools). You told us that High 5 provided U11s with the experience and development required, but that the branding and resources could be stronger to help motivate and engage kids more effectively.

My Game is all about what netball means to someone personally and the difference it makes in their life. So to launch our My Game campaign we’ve asked real players with real stories, of every age and level, to tell us about their netball experiences.